6 thoughts on “

  1. I think that is really informative information. That would be helpful for my Dad when he grills steak. Now i can show him this and he can make the perfect steak.

  2. I like the format of the image it makes the whole thing really easy to piece together and understand. The tips it offers are really helpful and im going to refer back to this image if i make steaks anytime soon.

  3. Well that was a very informative image. I feel more inteligant just by reading that. I have always pressed down on my burgers out of some habit. I guess its a good thing that i havent grilled a stake yet. Now I know how to grill a good steak for when I get around to makeing my steak and crab legs meal.

  4. I never knew there was so much to making the perfect steak. Now I’m gonna be able to make the perfect steak and brag about to to my dad.

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